Jams, Shotguns, & Trips: Football Lingo Part 1

Jams, Shotguns, & Trips: Football Lingo Part 1

In different professions and sports, the people involved in that activity often speak a language that outsiders cannot understand. That is especially true in the game of football. There is so much confusing terminology for any newbie to understand, but if you're taking this quiz, you like football and know a lot about it....right? Well, let's find out!

What type of technique is used to help a wide receiver to avoid being jammed at the line of scrimmage by a defensive back?

In Cover 3, which statement is true?

What is it called when linebackers or defensive backs rush the quarterback?

What is it called if a defensive back tries to briefly hit a wide receiver immediately after a play begins?

In Cover 2, which defenders play zone coverage?

What is it called if a defence has 6 defensive backs on the field at once?

What is another name for an 'end around' play?

What term describes a situation when the quarterback lines up about 5 yards behind the center?

What is it called when a RB or TE blocks quickly blocks a defender before then releasing into a pass route?

What term describes a situation when a punt returner is allowed to catch a punt without getting hit?

If the fulback and running back line up behind the QB, what is this formation called?

What term describes an offensive formation that has 3 receivers lined up on the same side of the field?

What is it called if a defence has 5 defensive backs on the field at once?

What term describes a situation where an offence uses 5 wide receivers at once?

In Cover 1, which defender plays zone coverage?

Which of the following terms describes an offensive play that is designed to initially look like a pass but it's really a run play?

What is it called when a passing play is at first initially/briefly designed to look like a run?

What is it called when the quarterback, instead of staying in the pocket, runs around looking for someone to throw to?

In a 3-4 defence, what is true?

What is it called when the quarterback changes the play that was called in the huddle at the line of scrimmage?

What term describes a pass route that is essentially the same thing as a 'fly' pattern?

What is man-to-man coverage often called?

What is the defensive area between both offensive tackles called?

Collectively, what is the term that describes all of the safeties and cornerbacks on the field at once?

In a 4-3 defence, what is true?

Jams, Shotguns, & Trips: Football Lingo Part 1

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Dave Morrissey

Dave is an accomplished economics instructor with over two decades of experience in the prestigious International Baccalaureate program. His students have consistently ranked in the top 10% annually, and one year they achieved the highest overall class average in the world. This outstanding achievement led a UK publisher to request that he write a textbook, an offer he declined in favor of creating sports quizzes, which he found more engaging.

In addition to his teaching career, Dave is also a former high school football coach, having won a couple of local championships. While he wishes he had won more, he continues to be deeply involved in football as a scout, recruiter, and social media creator for a university football team.

Dave's passions extend beyond the classroom and football field. He is an avid fan of live music and international travel, often combining these interests. He has traveled to Spain, England, Iceland, and Chile to see bands perform. His greatest pride and joy is his daughter, who has recently excelled in powerlifting. In just a few years, she has become the Canadian record holder for the bench press in her weight class and finished second overall in the combined national event (bench, deadlift, and squat) in Moose Jaw in March 2024. She will be representing Canada at the World Bench Competition in Austin, Texas, in May 2024.

A die-hard fan of the Las Vegas Raiders, Dave has experienced his share of sports heartache, having seen them play in seven NFL cities with six losses. His all-time favorite athlete is Don Mattingly, reflecting his deep love for sports that spans many arenas.